
Vision Web Sight blog logo
Welcome to the Vision Web Sight blog (VWS).

There is such a wealth of information and help out there for blind and visually impaired people but often it is difficult to track down. 

I decided to start this blog to create a place where all this knowledge can be accessed.  A starting point for your further searches.  I don't claim to be an expert but as someone who is partially sighted I hope I can help you find what you seek in these pages.  As I'm not an expert please use this site as a signpost to further information.

The blog is split into a number of categories to help you narrow your search and will include links to the definative pages on the web concerning a wide variety of subjects of concern to blind and visually impaired people. 

I will update it as regularly as I can and if you have anything you would like to contribute please comment on the posts or email  Your stories, experiences and knowledge will hopefuilly build this into the database I hope it can become.  (You can read my story by clicking here)

Become a Follower by clicking on the link at the bottom of the panel on the righthand side. This will help VWS to become more visable in search engines. Many thanks.

It's only in it's early days so, time to get started..!

PS Please be aware that this blog is primarily UK based and deals with charities and organisation in the United Kingdom only.  However, links to overseas sights can be found by clicking the "International Links" page link.

A few abbreviations that will be used here:
  • VWS = Vision Web Sight
  • DW = DeeDubya (that's me!)
  • VI = visually impaired

  • AMD = Age-related Macular Degeneration
    RNIB = Royal Nationa Institue for Blind People
  • RNC = Royal National College for the Blind

1 comment:

  1. What a great blog - well done you. Considering the stress of the last couple of years, Im suprised its only your eyesight that has gone pear shaped!! Its also nice that youve kept yourself anonymous, as goodness knows what the ex wife would say about you on it ! Youre an amazing top fella, meaning no one harm and having this happened to you has shocked evryone who knows you. If this blog reaches and touches just one person who is going through what you have/are going through,you are continuing with what you have always done best - being you !! Good luck with it all, me x
